All that barbecue for football!
Abby Tolzmann of Profinium Insurance and Ellen Borkenhagen of Profinium present a check for $900.22 to Truman High School Activities Director Kayla Anderson and Truman Superintendent/Principal Lisa Shellum. Profinium raised the funds through their annual Tailgate Party for the Jaguars on Friday, September 28th. Attendance and proceeds were up this year thanks to the help of Bruce and Jodie Bentele of On Q BBQ in Round Lake. The two are Truman grads and agreed to bring their delicious barbecue pulled pork at cost to serve at the event. All proceeds were donated and funds will be used for the Jaguar football team.
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It can be hard to support the little guys, especially in today's modern society of monopolistic conglomerates and retail giants, but we know even the little guys make a huge difference. Here are some cool reasons why small businesses are amazing, and how you can help support them!
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