Thank You Coloring Contest
Published: 04/07/2020
They say coloring is an excellent way to reduce stress for both kids and adults. Showing gratitude is another way that has been shown to reduce stress. At Profinium, we decided to help our community with both by having a Thank You Color Contest.
Here's how it works:
- Download the coloring page(s) of your choice.
- There is a generic heart if you want to thank someone that does not fit one of the other categories. i.e. your mail carrier or grocery store attendants.
- On the coloring page write a thank you note to someone in the community that is being amazing during this time of uncertainty.
- TIP: Write the thank you in a dark color.
- Share a photo of the completed thank you coloring page on our Profinium page or contest post. Each shared 'thank you' will earn you an entry into a drawing for a $50 gift certificate to your favorite local restaurant.
Unable to post to social media? No worries, we have additional options for sharing your thank yous:
- Scan in your thank yous and send to [email protected]
- Deliver it to the drive up the next time you visit the bank.
- Mail it to their nearest branch and we can scan it to our social media.
Now the tough part. Which coloring page to start first?! Feel free to do them all!
We will be drawing a random winner on April 15th.
Download Your Coloring Pages:
- A Heartfelt Thank You (not industry specific)
- Medical Team
- Paramedic/EMT
- Firefighter
- Police Officer or Peace Officer
We can't wait to see you get your color on!